Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Amret Spa and Massage

Loved the Khmer style of spa and massage at Amret Spa in Phnom Penh. The first night we went for a cheap massage... like 2.50$ for one hour. I laid down on the massage bed and the lady started smashing me up... and it hurt like crazy. After 15 minutes it was done. Finished. Just like that. It was a traumatic experience. So the next day, hubby and I looked for a quality one. Searched the Phnom Penh Travel Guide for good spas in Phnom Penh. We navigated the streets for Amret Spa. It looked really appealing. Glad we went for it. We had the best massage ever. Loved it. Had Amret Scrub. That one was okay. I still preferred the way they did it in Thailand. But the Khmer massage was awesome.

The tub - milk bath, oil bath, etc.

Spa Beds for couple.

Tea was served after the spa.


EADotCom said...

Wow Janet. What a life. Nice! :)

Dines said...

One thing I like about living in Asia is affordable spa and salon services. Good for you Jan. By the way, I like this blog a lot.

Anonymous said...

hi aggie, sometimes, we deserve to be pampered. :D

yes dines, as in super affordable. we had american couple stayed with us last time and we went to thiland for a visit and we introduced them to thai spa and massage... you can imagine how shocked they were when they knew how much it cost them. like super cheap for them... of course for me it's still pricy...


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